LED reduces lighting costs allowing you to add to your capital instantly.
Find out how much money you can save by switching your current lighting systems to LED.
Monthly Electric Bill
Your Estimated Savings
The information in this calculation is provided soley as a convenience to you, and is to be used for informational purposes only. For an advanced calculation, call 719.465.3886 for a free consultation, today.
Full financial payback from LED conversions can been seen within 12-18 months
We provide a variety of financing options with NO down payment required. Most investments in LED conversion are completely PAID OFF in under two (2) years. Our LED bulbs come with a full five (5) year unconditional warranty on all installed LED lighting, making the decision to switch essentially risk-free.
Cost Savings add up with an LED Conversion

Savings on Monthly Electric Bills

Rebates from the Power Company

Credits from State and Federal Taxes

Limited Need for Hardware and Labor